A WordPress Dynamic website comes ready for you to start Web Designing
WordPress is the new Web 2.0 design package that allows mere mortals to become skilled Webmasters without the normal blood sweat and tears of conventional web design.

It wont take you long to create a great looking professional website with WordPress
With a WordPress website you can now build your own Custom Web presence as you have full control over the pages on your site. Changing or adding content is easy as you can do this from any computer with an internet connection whenever and when ever you wish.There’s no need to buy expensive and difficult to learn programs like Dreamweaver with WordPress you can create content straight away so it is simple to learn as you go with a very easy learning curve. It may even kick start a new career form you as a Web Designer as building a web site has never been easier you will become a fully fledged web master in no time at all.
All the hard work of hand coding and learning half a dozen scripting languages has all been done for you. You simply have to log into your websites dashboard where you can control every aspect of your site, from uploading images and new plugins to creating exiting and dynamic web pages.
Adding new pages to your website:
This is easy you just login to your administration dashboard then go to the “Pages” area in the left column then click “Add New” and your away.
Next you give the page a title and type in your text and add images as you need. You can use the “Visual” setting which lets you see what you have done as you go or use the “html” setting that will give you a little more control.
Your new site comes with 5 themes and several important plug-ins pre installed also we have done the basic configuration so that you can start creating your new Website straight away.
You can change the theme for your website from your Dashboard and also adjust the theme in many ways like text size and colour, number of page columns, header text and many other settings giving 1000’s of different design possibilities.
You can add images as you need and float them to the left or right of the page, the text will then wrap around the images for a professional looking layout.
Image handling is a snitch, you can upload photos to your website with ease from your computer whether it is a PC or a Mac, you can do this directly as you create your page or upload them previously to your WordPress media library where you can view and arrange them.
You can put links into the text to other pages on your site, or even to other websites, (sometimes, “depending on how popular your website is” you can even charge for this.) the images you have put into your page can also be linked.