All entries by this author

An Ethical Business Model

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

These days there are many businesses that set themselves up quickly, make a fast buck, then disappear just as soon as they came. In our opinion apart from the moral aspect there is little mileage in this way of operating as the rewards for developing a good business takes time. One of the main benefits

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How to Handle Negative Comments | Tips and Tricks

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

If you run an online community service where others are encouraged to participate with their own thoughts, you’re sure to come across negative comments throughout your blog or forum’s life. While negative comments may be one of your greatest fears as a social media participant, they are a reality. Furthermore, the way that you deal

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About a UKviews Agency

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

At UKViews we provide an online service where individuals can operate a local community website both easily and economically without incurring the high cost and steep learning curve of building, setting up and running a website. This way they can put all their efforts into generating income without all the other associated hassle and expense.

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Extra Income

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

These days with the credit crunch tightening our budgets having some spare cash is even more important. How would you like to be your own boss and earn extra income from home working at the times that suit you and your other commitments? Running a local community website gives you the opportunity to get out

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Happiness is in the Mind – 7 Secrets to uncover the Happy Habit

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

Happiness is in the Mind – 7 Secrets to uncover the Happy Habit Being happy is a state of mind. If you make up your mind to always be happy you will live a more enriched life. But how do you remain in a state of happiness? Here are 7 steps to obtain the happy

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4 Ways to Motivate Yourself to True Success

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

Many of us seem to experience a lack of motivation at some point in our time. But how can we re-kindle the motivational fire within us so we can have true success. Below are 4 ways in which we can achieve this and if carried out you will find your motivation levels will increase as

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Starting an Online Business – 5 Key Points to Consider before Making that Decision

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

Finding the right business opportunity to succeed online is not easy. There are hundreds to consider. How do you decide which one is the best for you, and what do need to consider before taking that step. Here are 5 steps to help you decide. 1. Do your due diligence In other words do your

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Holy Curiosity

Feb 23rd, 2011 | By

HOLY CURIOSITY Not everyone has a good grip of science. But these children’s scientific musings at least show a healthy dose of creativity. To explain nuclear reactions, one young scientist said, “When they broke open molecules, the found they were only stuffed with atoms. But when they broke open atoms, they found them stuffed with

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Potency problems: eat less and pedal faster

Feb 22nd, 2011 | By

Potency problems: eat less and pedal faster The best way to deal with erectile dysfunction is not Viagra, but a diet. In a study of 110 obese men with potency problems, about a third enjoyed improved sexual function after losing weight and increasing exercise (JAMA, 2004; 291: 2978-84).

Colon Cancer: Processed foods could be a major cause

Feb 22nd, 2011 | By

Colon Cancer: Processed foods could be a major cause A diet of fast and processed foods could be a major cause of colon cancer, researchers have found.  The foods are high in trans-fatty acids, and there’s a direct link between these and early stages of the cancer. People who daily eat 6.5 grams or more

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